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Archived Blog Posts

Storm Preparedness for Pet Owners: Keeping Your Pets Safe

9/5/2023 (Permalink)

Storms and severe weather events can be unsettling, particularly for our furry friends. If you're a pet owner living in the Northeast, it's crucial to be prepared for potential severe weather conditions and to know how to keep your pets safe during these events. In this blog post, we will discuss Northeast storm preparedness for pet owners and top strategies to keep your pets safe during severe weather events.

Keep Identification and Medical Records Handy

In the event of a severe storm, it is crucial to have current identification and medical records for your pets. Make sure all identification tags or microchips are up to date and secured on your pet's collar. Keep a copy of your pet's medical records in a waterproof bag, and don't forget to pack any necessary medications or supplies that your pet may need.

Have an Emergency Kit for Your Pet

Assemble an emergency kit for your pet that includes food, water, and any necessary medications. Pack a few days' worth of food and water in a waterproof container and bring any feeding or water dishes your pet may need. Additionally, include a leash, a crate or carrier, waste bags, and any other essential items, such as a favorite toy or blanket to keep your pet calm during the storm.

Plan for Potential Evacuation

In the event of an evacuation, it's important to have a plan for your pet's safety. Make sure all identification tags or microchips are up to date and secured on your pet's collar. Research pet-friendly locations and have a list of potential shelters or hotels where you can take your pet in the event of an evacuation. Contact them ahead of time to confirm they accept pets and to determine any specific requirements.

Prepare for Power Outages

Severe storms can often result in power outages. It's essential to have a plan for your pet's safety during these events. Keep a supply of battery-operated fans, blankets, or other items to keep your pet comfortable during a power outage. If your pet is on any necessary medications that require refrigeration, plan accordingly to keep them safe and secure.

Stay Informed

Finally, staying informed about weather conditions is crucial to ensuring your pet's safety during severe weather events. Monitor local weather conditions and keep up-to-date with any potential storm warnings or mandatory evacuations. Additionally, make sure you understand any specific risks associated with your geographic location and take the necessary precautions to keep your pet safe.

As a pet owner, it's essential to have a plan in place for your pet's safety during severe weather events. To keep your pet safe during a storm, make sure to update their identification and medical records, have an emergency kit prepared, plan for potential evacuation, prepare for power outages, and stay informed about weather conditions. With a little bit of planning, you can help ensure the safety and well-being of your furry friend during Northeastern storm seasons.

Creating a Home Escape Plan: Your Guide to Household Safety

8/17/2023 (Permalink)

Having a home escape plan is crucial for the safety of you and your loved ones in the event of a fire or any other emergency. A well-designed and practiced escape plan can save valuable time and potentially save lives. In this blog, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to create a comprehensive home escape plan.

Identify Exit Routes

Start by identifying all possible exit routes from each room in your home. These routes should include doors, windows, and any other accessible exits. Make sure that everyone in the household is familiar with these routes.

Create a floor plan of your home and mark the identified exit routes on the map. Include important details such as the location of smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and emergency contact numbers. Keep a copy of this floor plan in a common area and individual copies in each room.

Determine a Meeting Point

Choose a safe location outside your home where everyone can gather after evacuating. This could be a neighbor's house, a designated spot in your yard, or a nearby landmark. Make sure everyone in your household knows the meeting point and understands the importance of going there immediately.

Regularly practice evacuation drills with your household members. Start with simple scenarios and gradually increase the complexity of the drills. Emphasize the importance of staying low to avoid smoke, checking doorknobs for heat before opening doors, and crawling to safety if necessary.

Assign Responsibilities

Assign specific roles and responsibilities to each household member during an evacuation. For example, one person may be responsible for helping young children or elderly family members, while another may be in charge of grabbing essential items like a flashlight or a phone on the way out. Clearly communicate and practice these roles to ensure efficiency during an emergency.

Educate everyone in your household about fire safety measures. Teach them how to safely use fire extinguishers, when to call emergency services, and how to react when the smoke alarm sounds. Encourage regular maintenance and testing of smoke detectors to ensure they are functioning properly.

Consider Special Needs

If anyone in your household has special needs, such as young children, the elderly, or individuals with disabilities, take their specific requirements into account when creating your home escape plan. Ensure that exit routes and evacuation methods are suitable for their needs, and develop contingency plans if necessary.

Take part in community efforts and initiatives related to home safety, such as fire safety seminars or neighborhood watch programs. Share your home escape plan with trusted neighbors and offer to assist them with creating their own plans. Encourage open communication and support within your community.

Review and Update Regularly

Periodically review and update your home escape plan to account for any changes in your household or your home's layout. This could include renovations, new furniture arrangements, or changes in family dynamics. Regularly practicing and reviewing your plan will help ensure its effectiveness.

In the event of an emergency, remaining calm is essential. Remind everyone in your household to stay calm, follow the established escape plan, and communicate clearly. Having a well-prepared and practiced home escape plan will provide peace of mind and increase your chances of a safe evacuation.

By following these steps and regularly practicing your home escape plan, you will be better prepared to handle emergencies and protect yourself and your loved ones. Prioritizing safety and taking the time to create a comprehensive plan will ultimately contribute to a safer and more secure home environment.

Upgrade Your Plumbing: Reasons to Replace Your Supply Lines

7/27/2023 (Permalink)

Supply lines play a critical role in your plumbing system, delivering water to fixtures such as sinks, toilets, and appliances. Over time, these supply lines can deteriorate, corrode, or become worn out, potentially leading to leaks, water damage, and even plumbing emergencies. In this blog post, we'll explore some compelling reasons to consider replacing your supply lines, ensuring a reliable and efficient plumbing system in your home.

Prevent Leaks and Water Damage

Supply line failures are a common cause of water leaks and subsequent water damage in homes. As supply lines age, they may develop cracks, fractures, or weakened connections, leading to leaks. Replacing old and worn supply lines with new ones reduces the risk of leaks, minimizing the potential for costly water damage and associated repairs.

If your current supply lines are made of outdated or inferior materials, it's advisable to upgrade to high-quality options. Modern supply lines are often constructed using materials such as braided stainless steel or reinforced PVC, which offer improved durability, flexibility, and resistance to corrosion. Upgrading to these superior materials ensures a longer lifespan for your supply lines.

Enhance Water Efficiency

Older supply lines may have restricted flow or inadequate water pressure, resulting in inefficient water usage. By replacing your supply lines, you can improve water flow and pressure, optimizing the performance of your fixtures. Upgrading to more efficient supply lines can also contribute to water conservation, reducing your environmental impact and potentially lowering water bills.

In some cases, outdated or non-compliant supply lines may not meet current building codes or insurance requirements. When renovating your home or making plumbing upgrades, it's crucial to ensure that your supply lines meet the necessary standards. By replacing outdated lines, you can ensure compliance, safeguard your insurance coverage, and meet the safety regulations in your area.

Minimize the Risk of Contamination

Older supply lines made from materials such as galvanized steel or lead can pose health risks. Galvanized steel supply lines can corrode over time, potentially introducing rust and contaminants into your water supply. Similarly, lead pipes, commonly found in older homes, can leach lead into the water, posing serious health hazards. Replacing these outdated supply lines with safer, modern alternatives is essential for maintaining a healthy water supply.

If you're planning a remodeling or renovation project that involves plumbing work, it's an ideal time to replace your supply lines. Upgrading the supply lines before the project ensures that you have a reliable and efficient plumbing system in place, reducing the likelihood of disruptions or issues during the renovation process.

Investing in new supply lines provides peace of mind, knowing that your plumbing system is equipped with reliable and high-quality components. By proactively replacing supply lines, you can prevent unexpected plumbing emergencies, reduce maintenance needs, and enjoy the reassurance of a well-functioning plumbing system.

Replacing your supply lines is a proactive step toward maintaining a reliable and efficient plumbing system in your home. From preventing leaks and water damage to upgrading to high-quality materials and improving water efficiency, there are compelling reasons to consider replacing old and worn supply lines. Prioritize the safety, performance, and longevity of your plumbing system by consulting a professional plumber and investing in new supply lines. By doing so, you can enjoy a worry-free plumbing experience while protecting your home from potential water-related issues.

Why Waiting for an Adjuster After Storm Damage Can Cost You More in the Long Run

6/29/2023 (Permalink)

When a storm hits, it can cause significant damage to your home or property. From flooding to wind damage, storm damage can be devastating, and it's natural to want to wait for an adjuster to assess the damage before taking any action. However, waiting for an adjuster to arrive may not always be the best course of action. In this blog, we'll explore why you shouldn't wait for an adjuster after storm damage.

Safety Concerns

First and foremost, your safety is paramount. If your home or property has suffered storm damage, it's essential to ensure that it's safe to enter and assess the damage. Waiting for an adjuster to arrive may delay necessary repairs or cleanup, putting you and your family at risk. If there's a risk of further damage or collapse, it's best to take immediate action to mitigate the damage and ensure everyone's safety.

Additional Damage

Storm damage can worsen quickly, especially if left unattended. Waiting for an adjuster to assess the damage may result in further damage to your home or property, leading to additional costs and headaches. Acting quickly to mitigate damage, such as covering broken windows or tarping damaged roofs, can help prevent further damage and save you money in the long run.

Insurance Coverage

While it's essential to have your insurance adjuster assess the damage to your home or property, waiting for their assessment before taking any action may not be necessary. Your insurance policy likely requires you to take steps to mitigate damage and prevent further loss, regardless of whether an adjuster has assessed the damage. By waiting for an adjuster to arrive, you may be neglecting your duty to mitigate damage, which could affect your insurance coverage.

Time Constraints

After a storm, adjusters are often inundated with claims and may not be able to assess the damage to your home or property for several days or even weeks. Waiting for an adjuster to arrive can be frustrating, especially if you're eager to get your home or property back to its pre-storm condition. Taking action to mitigate damage and begin repairs can help expedite the process and get you back to normal as soon as possible.

Contractor Availability

After a storm, contractors are often in high demand, and waiting for an adjuster to arrive before calling a contractor may result in further delays. By taking action to mitigate damage and contacting a contractor as soon as possible, you can ensure that your repairs are completed in a timely and efficient manner.

In conclusion, while it's essential to have your insurance adjuster assess the damage to your home or property after a storm, waiting for their assessment before taking any action may not be necessary. By acting quickly to mitigate damage, prevent further loss, and contact a contractor, you can ensure that your home or property is repaired and back to its pre-storm condition as soon as possible. Remember, your safety and the safety of your family should always come first, and taking immediate action to mitigate damage is crucial to preventing further damage and keeping everyone safe.

Clearing the Air: Can Air Purifiers Help with Mold?

5/25/2023 (Permalink)

Mold is a common problem in many homes and can cause a variety of damages to your property. It thrives in damp and humid environments, making it a persistent problem in areas with high humidity levels or water damage. Many people turn to air purifiers as a potential solution to combat mold growth and improve indoor air quality. But do air purifiers really help with mold? Let's explore this topic in more detail.

Understanding Mold and Its Dangers

Mold is a type of fungus that grows in the form of multicellular filaments called hyphae. It can be found both indoors and outdoors, and there are many different species of mold, some of which are more harmful than others. Mold reproduces by releasing spores into the air, which can then settle on surfaces and grow into new colonies.

Mold needs moisture to grow, and it can thrive in areas with high humidity levels, leaks, or water damage. Common areas where mold can be found in homes include basements, bathrooms, kitchens, and areas with poor ventilation. Mold can produce a musty odor, and visible signs of mold growth include discoloration, black spots, and fuzzy or slimy textures on surfaces.

Air Purifiers and Their Role in Mold Prevention

Air purifiers are devices designed to remove airborne contaminants from the indoor air, including particles like dust, pollen, pet dander, smoke, and mold spores. They work by drawing air through a filter or other purification technology, trapping particles, and then releasing clean air back into the room. Air purifiers come in various types, such as mechanical filters, activated carbon filters, UV-C purifiers, and ozone generators, among others.

So, can air purifiers really help with mold? The answer is yes and no. While air purifiers can be effective at capturing mold spores from the air, they are not a complete solution for mold remediation. Air purifiers can help prevent mold spores from circulating in the air, reducing the overall mold spore count and improving indoor air quality. 

Air purifiers can also help in preventing mold growth in certain situations. For example, if you live in an area with high outdoor mold spore counts, an air purifier with a HEPA filter can capture these spores and prevent them from entering your home. Additionally, if you have a mold allergy, an air purifier can reduce your exposure to mold spores and help alleviate allergy symptoms.

Additional Tips for Mold Prevention

In addition to using an air purifier, there are other steps you can take to prevent mold growth in your home having proper ventilation. Ensure that your home has proper ventilation in all areas, including bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. Use exhaust fans or open windows to allow moisture to escape. Regularly clean and dry surfaces prone to mold growth, such as shower curtains, windowsills, and other areas with condensation.

Air purifiers can be a helpful tool in improving indoor air quality and reducing mold spores in the air. However, they are not a substitute for addressing the root cause of mold growth, which is moisture. To effectively prevent mold, it's crucial to control humidity levels, improve ventilation, and promptly clean up any mold growth. If you have a mold problem in your home, it's best to consult with a professional mold remediation service to identify and address the issue at its source.

Why SERVPRO is the Best Choice for Rebuilding After a Fire

4/22/2023 (Permalink)

Fire and water damage are two of the most common types of damage that a home can suffer. While they can be completely different, they often occur together as well. When this happens, it's important to understand how each type of damage works so you can find the best way to handle both issues.

Fire Damage

A fire is an uncontrolled chemical reaction that releases heat and light energy in addition to smoke and gases such as carbon monoxide (CO). The heat causes materials in your home such as wood or carpeting; plastics like PVC pipes; fabrics like curtains or clothing; paper products like books or magazines--anything flammable will burn if it touches flames long enough! This means anything from furniture pieces up through entire buildings could potentially be damaged by fire if left unattended for too long without proper cleanup procedures being followed afterwards.

Effects of Fire Damage

If you have been affected by a fire, SERVPRO of Portland can help. We are the leading provider of fire and water damage restoration services in the region. Our teams are highly trained and experienced in restoring your home or business back to normal after it has been damaged by fire, smoke and soot damage, structural damage and fire suppression systems.

We understand that this is an overwhelming time for you as a homeowner or business owner. You may not know where to start or who will be able to help you with these repairs but don't worry!

Fire Damage and Water Damage Combined

Fire and water damage combined can be a particularly difficult situation. Structural repairs are more costly when they're combined with water damage, and the cleanup process can take longer than usual due to the need for drying out your home's structure.

If you have experienced this kind of combination, SERVPRO is here to help! We have a team of experts who understand both fire and water damage restoration so that you don't have to worry about it anymore!

Preventing Fire Damage

The first step to preventing fire damage is to install a fire alarm system. This can be as simple as a smoke detector and/or carbon monoxide detector in your home, but it's important to have one installed in every room of your house. If you're renting, ask the landlord if they have an existing system or if they will install one for you.

Next up, Fire extinguishers! You should have at least one on hand at all times, preferably more than one so that it's easy for everyone in the house who uses them (such as children) to access them quickly when needed. They should be located near exits or other areas where fires are likely to start.

Preventing Water Damage

Check for leaks. If you have a water heater, check and make sure that it's not leaking.

Use waterproofing products. You can also use waterproofing products to protect the areas around your home that are susceptible to water damage, such as basements or crawlspaces.

Install sump pumps in the event of flooding or high rainfall amounts so that any excess water can be pumped out of your property before it has time to seep into walls and floors through cracks in foundations or foundation walls (which is what causes mold growth).

Insurance Coverage

If you're like most people, you have a homeowners or renters insurance policy. If your home is damaged by fire, this will pay for the cost of repairing the damage. However, there are limitations on what types of losses are covered and how much money can be claimed from your policy.

What I need to know about drying important documents

3/12/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage is one of the most common causes of lost or damaged documents, and it can cause serious problems if not handled properly. The best way to protect your valuable documents from water damage is to take proactive measures to prevent them from getting wet in the first place. If you're lucky enough that your valuable documents have already been exposed to water without causing any harm, then this article will help guide you through the steps necessary for drying them out safely at home or sending them off for professional treatment.

How do I know if my document is water damaged?

Check for physical damage. The most obvious sign of water damage is if your document has been torn or ripped in places, especially along the edges. This can happen when pieces of paper stick together when wet and then separate when they dry out.

Look for discoloration and mold. If there are stains on the surface of your important papers, it may be caused by moisture seeping into them from the outside (i.e., rain) or within (i.e., humidity). Also check for discoloration along with any other signs of mold growth.

Check for odor. If your documents smell musty or damp after being stored away from direct sunlight/heat sources such as windowsills or radiators

What happens if I don't dry my documents?

If you're not careful, water damage can cause a number of problems with your documents. These include:

  • Mold and mold spores--Mold can grow on wet paper.
  • Ink running--When ink runs, the words become illegible and may be impossible to read later on. This is especially problematic for handwritten documents where the ink will run into other parts of the page as well as overtop any other writing that might be present there already.
  • Paper swelling--Swelling occurs when moisture gets trapped between layers within your document or book as well as between pages themselves (especially when there's no protective cover). The swelling will result in warping or curling which makes reading difficult if not impossible altogether.

How can I tell if my documents are in danger of being damaged by water?

Before you can decide what to do with your wet documents, you need to know the cause of the damage. Water damage can be caused by a number of things, A flood or leak in your home or office building (including fire sprinklers). A burst pipe or broken water main in your home or office building. Flooding due to heavy rain or snow melt.

If this is not clear from looking at your documents, contact a professional who can help identify whether they have been damaged by water and what steps should be taken next.

My document is water damaged, what should I do next?

You should first try to dry the document by laying it flat and in a cool, dry place. Letting the document sit in direct sunlight can also help to speed up the process. If this doesn't work and your important documents are still too wet to be handled safely, try using a dehumidifier or vacuum cleaner. A fan can also be used to speed up drying time, but make sure that it isn't blowing directly on your documents! Once your papers have been dried out properly, store them in an airtight container until they're ready for normal use again (or until you need them).

When will my document be completely dry?

The drying time will depend on the type of paper and your drying method. Paper towels are generally much faster than blotting with a cloth or tissue, but they also tend to leave behind more lint.

If you're in a hurry and don't want to wait for your document to dry naturally, consider using a hair dryer or fan instead of air conditioning--both methods work equally well for most documents (and both use less energy). If possible, though, try not to expose important documents directly into any direct sunlight because UV light can cause fading over time.

You may also want to consider using an electric dehumidifier if possible, these machines remove moisture from the air around them so that it doesn't reach dangerous levels within enclosed spaces like closets or drawers where sensitive materials are stored away from direct contact with human hands.

Drying your documents can be a daunting task. However, it is important to remember that if you act quickly and properly, the damage may not be as bad as you think it will be. Give SERVPRO a Portland a call to assist in your document drying process after a water loss.

Risks of Poor Fire Clean Up Job

2/10/2023 (Permalink)

When you have a fire, you want it cleaned up quickly and efficiently. However, depending on the cause of the fire and its extent, professional help may be needed to ensure that smoke damage is minimized as much as possible. If you choose to clean up after your own fire damage or hire someone who doesn't know what they're doing, then you could end up making things worse than they already are!

Damages are not always visible

It's possible that the damage to your home may not be visible to the naked eye.

Smoke damage can leave your structure of your home damaged. Structure damage includes walls, ceilings and floors. It can cause odor problems from mold growth caused by moisture trapped in porous materials like drywall or wood paneling and furniture.

Professional help

Smoke contains many harmful chemicals. Some of these chemicals are toxic and require professional experience and equipment for adequate cleanup. A small amount of smoke can be dangerous. If you don't know how to clean up after a fire yourself, hire a professional who does know how to do so safely.

If the smoke is not cleaned up correctly, it can become permanent. Smoke odor damages property value by devaluing homes on the market or even reducing their resale value after moving out of them due to poor air quality caused by fire cleanup jobs gone wrong.

Done right the first time

It is important to hire a professional fire damage clean up company to ensurer the job is done right the first time. If you don't, your home could be at risk of further damage and secondary damages. A good company like SERVPRO of Portland will have the experience and expertise in this type of work to ensure a job well done.

Poor fire damage clean up jobs can result in long-lasting damage

The first step in restoring your home after a fire is removing the smoke odor. The second step is removing any fire damage that may have occurred to your property, including drywall and other building materials. The third step involves making sure there's no mold growth on or around anything that was damaged by water or smoke during cleanup efforts. Finally, you need to make sure all of your belongings are safe and secure while they're being cleaned up by professional contractors who know what they're doing!

If these steps aren't taken properly, then long-lasting damage could result - which means more money down the line when it comes time for repairs or replacement costs because everything needs fixing again after being exposed so long without proper care being taken previously.

If you are facing the aftermath of a fire, it is important to remember that there are lasting risks involved. Poor fire damage clean up jobs can result in long-lasting damage if not handled by professionals. The best way to avoid these problems is by hiring experts like SERVPRO of Portland who know how to handle this type of job and ensure all areas are clean before leaving your home or business premises.

SERVPRO of Biddeford- Saco is Hiring- Restoration Team Supervisor

2/3/2023 (Permalink)

green vehicles on black background WE ARE HIRING!

SERVPRO of Biddeford-Saco is hiring for a Restoration Team Supervisor. In this position, you will be making a difference each and every day. We have a sincere drive toward the goal of helping make fire and water damage “Like it never even happened”!

Our office is seeking someone who is comfortable working hard in challenging situations, enjoys meeting new people, has excellent communication skills, enjoys supervising others, and is a serious multi-tasker. If you are self-motivated and have superb interpersonal skills, then you’ll thrive in this work environment. As a valued SERVPRO® Franchise employee, you will receive a competitive pay rate, with opportunity to learn and grow. Medical, Dental, Vision and 401K. Job Description: Manage and complete jobs according to SERVPRO® processes per work order. Respond to service calls, set up and establish efficient job flow, coordinate requirements for the job, complete job documentation, perform and supervise production work, and monitor assigned jobs from start to finish. Follow and enforce all safety procedures on the job site. Communicate and establish relationships with commercial, insurance, and residential customers. Responsibilities: 
  • Explain processes and answer customer questions, as needed
  • Monitor, communicate, and respond to customer needs/concerns to ensure customer needs are met
  • Communicate clear expectations to Production Technicians and supervise their activities
  • Perform production processes as scheduled and ensure quality control
  • Identify safety hazards, communicate, and establish control measures to ensure the safety of occupants and workers
  • Resolve problems quickly as they arise
  • Manage job file documentation to ensure complete and accurate project details
  • Manage and control costs of production projects
  • Manage assets by protecting and using equipment and materials properly
  • Clean and maintain vehicles, equipment, warehouse, and office areas
  • Perform sales and marketing activities, including add-on sales and security checks
  • Effective written and oral communication
  • Experience in cleaning/restoration preferred
  • High school diploma/GED
  • IICRC certifications preferred
  • Ability to travel locally or out of state when necessary
Physical and Work Environment Requirements:
  • Ability to regularly lift 50 pounds and ability to lift up to 100 pounds with assistance
  • Exposure to chemicals
  • Walking and standing for long periods of time, driving, sitting, climbing,
  • Ability to climb ladders and work at ceiling heights
  • Ability to work in tight spaces (e.g., crawls spaces under buildings)
  • Repetitive pushing/pulling/lifting/carrying objects

Handling a Flood in Your Home

1/23/2023 (Permalink)

Flooding in your home can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. It is important to take immediate action to minimize damage and protect your family's safety. The following steps will guide you on how to handle a flood in your home, including emergency measures to take immediately, how to safely evacuate your home, and steps to take to begin the cleanup and restoration process. Here are some tips for handling this situation:

Turn Off the Source

If you have a water leak, turn off the main water valve. To do this, shut off the lever on top of your meter box or find the main water valve in your house. If you don't know where it is, call a professional to help.

Determine the Category of Water

When water damage occurs, it’s important to determine the category of water that is causing the problem. This will help you know what action steps to take and will also ensure that you receive a proper insurance claim. 

There are three main categories of water, each with different characteristics and potential risks. 

?     Category 1: "Clean Water" refers to water that is from a sanitary source such as a broken pipe or faucet. 

?     Category 2: "Gray Water" refers to water that is contaminated with chemicals, microorganisms, or other physical or chemical contaminants. 

?     Category 3: "Black Water" refers to water that is highly contaminated and poses a significant risk. Examples include water from floods, sewage backups, and toilet overflow with feces.


Electrical appliances such as TVs and computer monitors are likely to have circuits damaged by water, so it is important to unplug them immediately or turn them off if they do not have a power switch. If you have the ability to turn the power off to a certain area, that might also be a good idea.

Remove the Standing Water

If water is standing in your home, use a wet/dry vacuum to remove it. If you don't have a wet/dry vacuum or don't want to use one, you can pump the standing water out of your home.

Mop up the remaining standing water on floors, countertops, and other surfaces with towels and mops. Remove all loose items from these areas first so that they do not become damaged by the mop or towel.

This portion of the job is best left to the experts at SERVPRO of Portland, South Portland, and The Sebago Lake Region. We are the experts and can get your Portland home dried out efficiently and effectively.

Use a Dehumidifier

Dehumidifiers are a great way to remove moisture from your home. They’re ideal for removing water that has been brought into your residence from either flooding or from a broken pipe or sink.

Dehumidifiers work by taking in air and expelling it through a filter that extracts the moisture from it. This process releases warm air and can make you feel more comfortable during cold weather months.

Dehumidifiers are also useful against mold growth, which can be caused by high humidity levels in your home such as those found after flood damage or rain leaks through roofs, windows, and doors (source). So if you’ve been affected by flooding, using one of these devices will help you deal with the aftermath quickly and effectively! 

Use Fans

If your home has been exposed to floodwater, you'll want to get rid of the excess moisture as soon as possible. The fastest way to do this is by using fans. Fans can be used to dry out your home, circulate air, and prevent mold growth after you experience water damage.

If you ever get water damage in your home, it is important to stop the source, assess the damage, and document it. SERVPRO can help you the moment you notice water entering your home or business. Give us a call at the first sign of water damage, and we will be Here to Help.

4 Steps To Emergency Preparedness For Any Disaster

12/20/2022 (Permalink)

4 Steps To Emergency Preparedness For Any Disaster

When disaster strikes, the last thing you want to do is scramble to come up with a plan. In this article, we'll show you how to create an emergency plan so that when disaster strikes, you can be prepared.

Every building needs an emergency plan in case of disaster.

Emergency preparedness plans are essential for every building, from homes to businesses. Unfortunately, many people do not have an emergency plan and find themselves scrambling in a disaster situation. If you are looking for ways to prepare yourself or your family or employees for any disaster, we have five steps you can take to ensure that everyone is safe during a crisis.

You’ve already done the first step, which was to make sure your building has a disaster plan in place. Now it's time to create an emergency plan for your facility that includes all of the different types of emergencies you may face. This will help you prepare for any situation and keep everyone on your staff safe from harm.

1. Know your risks 

Before you can prepare for an emergency, you need to know your risks. Your risk assessment should include:

  • Identifying the risks to your building and occupants
  • Listing the risks in order of importance (the most severe being first)
  • Identifying vulnerabilities that could affect you and identifying ways to mitigate them

2. Build a team

It is important to have a team assist you in putting together an Emergency Response Plan. If you have ever tried to do anything alone, you know it can be a challenge. The same is true for emergency preparedness. No single person has the time, knowledge or skills to respond effectively to all disasters. By building a team of friends, family, or employees you can cover each others' weaknesses and strengths, making for a more effective team overall.

The best way to do this is by creating a team made up of different people who have specific skills and expertise—for example:

  • First responder
  • Security personnel
  • Facilities manager/supervisor(s)

3. Make critical information quickly accessible

When a natural disaster or emergency strikes, communication is crucial for keeping your employees informed, safe and on board with your business recovery plan. When an event happens that impacts your business, let people know where to turn for answers. A critical part of being informed is finding out exactly what information you should be looking for and where to find it. If a company has a crisis plan, make sure that everyone knows where it is placed in the office.

4. Test the plan 

Testing your plan is essential for making sure it works. There are many ways to do this, but the most important thing is to make sure you test with real people and real equipment. You can't rely on a Google search or YouTube video to tell you if your plan will work in an emergency situation. Having regular emergency drills with your employees will give you a chance to test your plan as well as give your employees the opportunity to learn the plan first-hand. 

Now that you’ve got the basics down, it’s time to put your plan into action. Remember that this is a living document, so be sure to test it regularly and add new information as needed. Also remember that this isn’t just about making sure you have an emergency kit—it’s about being prepared for whatever comes your way!

What to do if Ceiling has Wet Stains?

11/3/2022 (Permalink)

What to do if Ceiling has Wet Stains?

There are a variety of reasons your Portland, ME home has wet ceilings. Sometimes there might be water damage from a leaky roof, other times it could be condensation buildup caused by poor insulation or air circulation. It may look like nothing at first glance, but if left unchecked it can lead to serious problems over time. We want to help you better understand how to identify wet stains on ceilings and what action is appropriate depending on their cause.

Determine the source of the leak.

Water stains on your ceiling could indicate that there's a leak somewhere in your home. Leaks can be caused by a variety of things, including plumbing issues, roof problems, and leaks in the walls.

When faced with this situation, first determine the source of the leak. If there is water dripping from above, check for cracks or holes in your roof where rain could be entering; if there are no holes in your roof but water is still leaking through onto your ceiling, look for leaks in plumbing pipes that run through your attic and into your house below. After determining whether or not there are any obvious sources of water coming from above, clean up what has already spilled and make sure to dry out as much moisture as possible before moving on to step two: stopping further leaks and preventing future ones from happening again!

Fix the leak.

If you have a leak in your ceiling, this is the next step to take. If you don't fix the leak, more water will get into your home and damage your ceiling. You may need to call in a professional if you aren't sure how to fix it or if it requires expensive materials. 

Dry out water from the ceiling.

If you've got a wet spot on your ceiling that's not mold, you'll want to do everything in your power to get rid of it as fast as possible. First, use fans and other ventilation methods to dry out the ceiling. If the stain is large and there's plenty of water damage, hire a professional restoration company like SERVPRO of Portland.

Water stains on ceiling can be caused by a variety of things.

The best thing you can do if you discover water stains on your ceiling is to locate the source of the leak as soon as possible, and then stop it. The source of the leak may be a fairly straightforward issue to fix, or it may be more complicated, such as replacing an old roof or repairing a broken pipe.

Whatever you decide to do about your water stains on the ceiling in order to prevent further damage, it’s important that you act quickly before too much damage has been done and before any mold starts growing in your home.

Hopefully, this article has helped you understand the problem of wet stains on the ceiling and what to do about it. If you have any additional questions or concerns please feel free to contact SERVPRO of Portland and we will be happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have.

Content cleaning and fire damage

10/12/2022 (Permalink)

Cleaning of the contents and fire damage

A home fire is devastating, and it doesn't help that you can't even think about cleaning up until the smell of smoke has been dealt with. I know it can be hard to imagine, but there are things you can do to restore your clothing and other belongings. In this article, we'll explore the options for cleaning clothes after a fire, including professional dry-cleaning and content cleaning (home remedies). We'll also talk about how to remove odors from soiled items that may not be salvageable through washing alone.

Not all items are unsalvageable 

The first thing to remember about cleaning clothes after a fire is that you have options. If the damage is minor, you can attempt to clean it yourself. If the clothes are soiled by water or smoke inhalation, professional cleaning may be necessary.

While all these methods can remove fire-related odors from clothing:

  • Dry cleaning - The most expensive method, but also one of the most effective for removing smoke smells. It's best if you take your clothing directly to a dry cleaner instead of trying this at home because they'll know how best to treat each material type (and won't lose their license).
  • Ultrasonic cleaning - This uses high-frequency sound waves that break up dirt and grime so they can be rinsed away with water during washing machine use; it's also an excellent option for soaking garments that aren't safe for dry cleaning or steam pressing (such as leather).
  • Steam pressing - You'll want a professional pressing service rather than trying this at home—if done improperly by an amateur, hot steam could damage delicate fabrics like silk or wool!

Removing smoke odor from clothing can be expensive or impossible.

While it is possible to remove smoke odor from clothing and other non-porous items, such as linens, carpets and upholstery, there are some things you can do to minimize the risk of smoke odor removal in the future.

  1. Vacuum your home thoroughly each day. This will help remove any loose particulate matter that would otherwise settle on furniture or in carpeting over time.
  2. Make sure your furnace filter is changed monthly (at minimum).
  3. Use a dehumidifier if humid conditions are causing problems with mold growth or mildew formation in carpeting or upholstery fabrics. This can help reduce moisture levels while also removing excess humidity from living spaces where people spend time indoors during colder weather periods when they wouldn't normally be outside enjoying themselves at all hours of the day!

Content cleaning is worth the investment

Content cleaning isn't always easy, and it can be expensive. You need a professional who knows how to clean your belongings without damaging them further. To find the right professional, start by asking friends or family members if they have any recommendations. If they don't know of anyone, ask your local fire department if there are any companies in the area that specialize in content cleaning after fire damage.

Once you've found a company, its website will have information about its services and prices on it. Read through this carefully so that you know exactly what they do before hiring them (such as whether they'll be cleaning specific items). Also, make sure that everything listed on the website is available locally—if not, find out how much more it would cost for shipping costs or travel expenses for someone to come out from another city or state!

Once you've hired an expert who can help clean up after your home has been damaged by fire very carefully review all bills before paying them so there are no surprises later down road! In many cases, your insurance company will pay for the content cleaning.

The best way to protect your belongings is by keeping them out of harm's way. If you've been affected by a fire, it's important to get an expert inspection and evaluation before cleaning up the mess. This will ensure that your efforts at restoration don't cause more damage than the fire itself did!

How To Prevent Mold Growth on Bread

8/26/2022 (Permalink)

How To Keep Your Bread Fresh and Fuzz- Free

Have you ever purchased a fresh loaf of white bread at the grocery store, only to find green, fuzzy spots on the crust just a few days later? Mold can grow on various foods and in countless different environments. However, bread, with its nutritious ingredients and warm, spongy texture, is the most common breeding ground for the fuzzy fungi. If you are curious about mold growth on bread and how to handle it, read on to learn some helpful tips and tricks on keeping your bread fresh and fuzz-free!

Learn the Dangers
Eating moldy bread in Casco Bay Islands, ME, can cause numerous unfavorable reactions such as:

  • Illness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

While ingesting mold is typically harmless, it can potentially cause severe illness. Therefore, if you detect fungus growth on your sourdough loaf, promptly throw it in the garbage. Further, cutting the moldy sections off the affected areas won't necessarily remove all bread mold, so keep in mind this is an ineffective mold removal method.
If you accidentally consume mold-contaminated bread, do not panic. Those with healthy and uncompromised immune systems typically don't experience any dangerous symptoms.

Handle It Properly

If you discover bread or fridge mold, do not inhale it, as fungus growth can cause a host of respiratory issues. Place the moldy bread in a sealed bag and toss it in the trash away from children and pets. Thoroughly clean the surface areas contaminated by the bread mold, and ensure it did not spread to any adjacent items. If mold ever grows out of control, call a local mold remediation specialist for professional removal.

Prevent Future Growth

The best way to prevent mold growth on your fresh bread is to place just one to two servings in a cupboard for immediate eating. Freeze the remaining loaf for easy thawing later.

While grotesque and unsightly, bread mold is a common and often benign occurrence. Make sure to handle it with care, and always follow proper food storage instructions to avoid accidental ingestion.

Smoke & Soot Cleanup

8/21/2022 (Permalink)

Soot build up on light fixtures Soot buildup on these light fixtures after a fire occurred in a local business in Portland.

Smoke & Soot Cleanup

Smoke and soot are very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your Portland, ME home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allow us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and Soot Facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Portland will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

How to Repair a Flooded Toilet

8/16/2022 (Permalink)

Many toilets in commercial buildings are controlled by a device known as a flushometer. While these devices usually work quite well, they are still prone to malfunctioning. This can cause toilets to engage in a never-ending flush cycle, ultimately driving up your water bill and resulting in damage from toilet overflow. If your building in Falmouth, ME, is suffering from this affliction, consult the following guide.

Step-by-Step Toilet Repair Guide

Repairing a toilet is a relatively simple process, even if you have very little plumbing experience. Follow this guide to stop a toilet flood:

  • Use a flat screwdriver to shut off the water. There should be a slot on either side of the flushometer, depending on which direction it's facing.
  • Use a wrench to loosen the flushometer's top lid. After this, you should be able to unscrew the lid using your hands.
  • Carefully remove the flange cover to expose the gasket. You may experience some water spray while performing this step.
  • Remove the gasket and clean out any built up sediment. It's a good idea to thoroughly rinse the gasket as well. Use a small, thin object to clean out the weep hole as well.
  • Replace the gasket after you finish cleaning it and reverse steps 1 through 4 to reassemble the flushometer.

If the above steps do not resolve your toilet overflow problem, you may have to replace the gasket completely. If your toilet still isn't working properly, you may have to contact professional plumbers to assist you with the issue.

A continuously flushing toilet can drive your water bill up, as well as annoy your employees and drive customers away. It's imperative that you resolve any toilet overflow issues as soon as possible so that you can resume business as usual.

If your commercial bathroom has suffered any type of water damage as a result of the toilet flood, you need to contact flood remediation experts to help resolve the problem.

4 Tips for Cleaning Sewer Problems

7/25/2022 (Permalink)

Four Important Things To Do When You Are Dealing With Dirty Water 

A flooded basement is one of the biggest problems a homeowner or renter can ever face. If the incoming water is contaminated with sewage, the situation is even more distressing. If you are faced with this situation, there are a number of things you can do to increase your own personal safety and limit the damage to your home. Here are four important things you can do when you are dealing with dirty water in Westbrook, ME.

1. Stay Safe. If you notice your plumbing is backing up, your first priority should be the safety of your family and your pets. Any water that comes from a sewage line is going to carry contaminated water. This should only be handled by experienced workers wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment. In many circumstances, your best option will be to vacate the premises and seek help.

2. Call in the Professionals. A flooded basement is definitely a situation that calls for trained workers. A certified flood mitigation franchise can arrive quickly on the scene and begin the restoration process. An experienced team will know how to deal with sewer issues. The company will make sure the scene is safe for everyone.

3. Look Into Insurance. Early on in the process, it is a good idea to call your insurance agent. They can tell you what will be covered and how to document any damages. More than likely, an insurance adjuster will be out to visit your property. As long as you are working with a reputable mitigation company, it's better to start with the cleanup process than to wait.

4. Make Sure the Work Is Complete. When dealing with a flooded basement, half measures will not be enough. It's important to make sure all moisture is removed and all surfaces are cleaned and scrubbed according to the highest standards. This will keep your home free of mold growth and unpleasant odors.

How SERVPRO Can Help Your Insurance Agent

7/18/2022 (Permalink)

How SERVPRO Can Help Your Insurance Agent

After a disaster at your Casco Bay Islands, ME, the business you may contact your insurance adjuster to file a claim and figure out the next steps for restoration. In many cases, your agent may have a preferred restoration vendor such as SERVPRO they recommend for a variety of reasons. In addition to being certified professionals, a preferred restoration team may also be able to help your insurance agent in a number of ways.

1. Damage Assessment

One important aspect of an insurance claim is a damage assessment. In many cases a restoration service may have to do this as well, so choosing a preferred provider allows the restoration professionals to perform the assessment they need to create a repair plan, and then share this information with your insurance provider.

2. Electronic Inventory System

Your insurance adjuster may also recommend a local SERVPRO as they offer the use of an electronic inventory system. This system can be accessed remotely and can store files needed for the insurance claim. This can allow all the information to be kept in a single location making it easy for your agent to access what they need as they work on your claim.

3. Item Cleaning Services

Another service your professional restoration team may be able to offer is item cleaning. This means that they can possibly clean and restore many of the company items that may have been damaged. Each item will require a different cleaning solution depending on size, material, and if the item is mechanical or electrical in nature.

restoration service may even be able to repair documentation. This can be helpful to your agent because it allows them to recommend a single team to work with rather than several.

Your insurance adjuster may recommend a preferred restoration service such as SERVPRO for a number of reasons. These can include the team’s ability to help with damage assessment, as well as their ability to offer an electronic inventory service and item cleaning. If you have further questions a professional can help.

What Happens When Lighting Strikes a House?

7/9/2022 (Permalink)

What Happens When a House is Hit by Lightning?

Approximately 22,600 house fires are started by lightning every year. In some areas of the United States, these bolts can strike the ground well over 100 times per second, and meteorologists have recorded over 900 strikes per minute. Although not all of these will cause a lightning fire, some of them can and do.

The Three Types of Damage

Fire is not the only thing that you have to worry about when volatile electricity strikes your home. There are three ways that it can cause both physical and fire damage.

  • Fired damage - caused by a direct strike to wood or other flammable substance
  • Electrical shorts - caused by electricity traveling through your wiring
  • Shock wave damage - damage caused by the wave of energy released during a strike

These three types are all dangerous and can be the cause of a lightning fire.

Strikes Are Preventable
Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to prevent direct strikes. The easiest is to trim tall trees around your home. Lightning looks for the quickest and easiest path downward. This means the taller the object, the more likely it is to be hit.
You should also make sure that your roof and shingles are in good repair. Use either asphalt shingles or another nonconductive material as roofing. This may not prevent a strike but will help insulate your home from fire damage.

After a Stike to Your Home
If your home takes a direct strike, you may have scorch marks on the walls even if it did not start a house fire. This is because lightning travels through conductive materials like wiring and coax cable. To clean these scorch marks, you will need a professional in Gorham, ME.

Fortunately, a strike does not always result in a lightning fire. By taking some simple precautions, you can lessen the chances that your home will be a victim of this type of fire.

6 Ways To Get Your Home Ready For a Storm

6/26/2022 (Permalink)

How to Prepare Your Home for a Storm in 6 Easy Steps

Preparing for a storm may prevent damage and promote safety at a residence in Westbrook, ME. Homeowners should maintain the exterior of a residence and take a few important measures to avoid wind damage and keep out flood water.

1. Maintain Roofing

It is important to maintain the roof on a residence. Leaks or wind damage may be more likely if shingles or roofing materials are damaged or missing at the start of a storm.

2. Trim Trees

Have overhanging or large trees trimmed on a regular basis. Fallen limbs and flying branches are common causes of storm damage.

3. Consider Storm Windows and Flood Barriers

Residents of regions prone to storms with high wind speeds may want to have storm windows installed. Reusable sandbag alternatives can also be helpful for keeping out flood water and avoiding a flooded building.

4. Acquire a Generator and Fuel

If storm conditions interrupt the supply of electricity, homeowners can rely on a generator that runs on gasoline, diesel, propane or natural gas. Generators should only be operated outside. It may be worthwhile to invest in a way to protect or anchor down a generator.

5. Make Emergency Plans and Assemble Kits

Assemble a home kit with enough non-perishable food for three days, a gallon of water per person per day, first aid supplies, a battery-powered or hand-crank radio, flashlights, and batteries. Homeowners should also prepare a mobile kit in case of evacuation.

6. Stow Away Outdoor Items

Patio furniture, grills, and other items that are typically kept outside may sustain damage or become flying debris. Any loose items should be stowed indoors in the days or hours before a storm.

All of these steps can help homeowners prepare for a storm in Westbrook, ME. If a residence suffers damage from flood water or wind, homeowners should contact insurance providers and a storm and water damage restoration service.

Why Do Fires Often Lead To Floods?

6/25/2022 (Permalink)

Why Do Fires Frequently Cause Floods?

Fire damage often leads to or coincides with flood damage. If you reside in a region that has recently experienced wildfire damage, you may want to obtain flood insurance coverage. The Federal Emergency Management Association is partnered with the National Flood Insurance Program. Learn more about the connections between fire and flooding damage and the coverage offered by FEMA NFIP to offset mitigation and restoration expenses.

Exterior Fires and Floods

Wildfires char the ground and eliminate vegetation. A fire near a residence can have several effects that combine to increase flooding risks:

• Charred becomes resistant to absorbing rainfall
• Runoff increases and may result in mudflows
• Flash flooding risks increase

Flood risks may remain elevated for up to five years following a wildfire. Nearby homeowners should consider obtaining insurance coverage through FEMA NFIP or a private flood insurance provider.

Interior Combined Damage

Localized fires that affect a single residence or a limited area can also result in a combination of fire and water damage. This type of flooding usually results from suppression attempts and can exacerbate fire damage in a few ways:

• Thousands of gallons of water may be present in a structure
Water damage must be mitigated before fire damage
• Combined damage increases risks of superficial and structural damage

If a fire has caused damage at your residence, you should document and report damage to a homeowners insurance provider. Standard policies usually cover fire damage and water damage due to fire suppression efforts. Flood insurance is only necessary for external water damage caused by heavy rains or rising bodies of water.

If wildfire damage has recently affected your area in or near Falmouth, ME, you may want to investigate flood insurance coverage through FEMA NFIP. For combined fire and flooding damage resulting from fire suppression, notify your homeowner's insurance provider and arrange to have damage assessed by mitigation and restoration professionals.

How To Eliminate Smoke Odor From Your Home

6/20/2022 (Permalink)

How to Get Rid of Smoke Odors in Your Home

A fire at your Portland, ME, home may cause many problems. Lingering smoke smell is likely to be one of the most stubborn. Fortunately, there are several smoke cleaning methods available.

Understanding Smoke Damage

The temperature and speed of the fire, as well as the items, burned, determine the type of smoke. There may be more than one type. Wet, dry, and protein smokes are common in house fires.
The types of smoke present are important factors when choosing a cleaning method. Fortunately, a fire restoration service can tell you which type of smoke you are dealing with and the best way to remove it.

Eliminating Smoke Odor

Although it may be tempting to cover the smell of smoke with air fresheners, this won’t take care of the problem permanently. The only way to keep the odor from returning is to remove the smoke particles from the air and surfaces. The following are some of the most effective tools available for smoke cleaning:

  • Air filters
  • Ozone machines
  • Thermal foggers

Filtration devices work by circulating air and trapping the smoke particles in a HEPA or carbon filter. Ozone machines generate a compound, ozone, that binds with the smoke particles to create a new compound that does not smell. These two methods are ideal for eliminating smoke particles that are present in the air.

However, there may also be particles located inside porous surfaces. When the fire raised the temperature of the affected area, porous surfaces expanded. When the area cooled, the surfaces contracted, and the smoke odor became trapped inside. A thermal fogger works by heating the area again, causing porous surfaces to expand, allowing the deodorizing fog to reach the trapped particles.

Even after the fire has been extinguished and the damage repaired, an unpleasant smoke smell may linger in your Portland, ME, home. Thorough smoke cleaning is the only way to permanently remove the odor.

The Challenges of a Partial Loss Fire

5/27/2022 (Permalink)

The Difficulties Of A Partial Loss Fire

Every business fire is unique in some way. A catastrophic fire can take down entire buildings and leave nothing more than rubble and ash. A partial loss fire is more common and runs the spectrum of destroying rooms and physical structures to only inflicting some relatively minor smoke and soot damage. While you would much prefer a minor fire to a major one, your company in Falmouth, ME, will still face significant challenges. 

Dealing With Smoke Damage

Smoke has several insidious qualities that can damage various aspects of your business. It can leave your facility unusable for a time and it can penetrate HVAC systems and electrical components. The residues from smoke often contain acidic compounds that damage walls and corrode metal. Cleanup is often technical, requiring the services of an experienced fire mitigation franchise.

Working With the Insurance Company

After a partial fire loss, you could have more work and contact with your insurance provider. There could be a series of questions on the ability to repair or replace a list of items and materials:

  • Personal objects
  • Ceramic fixtures
  • Carpeting
  • Furniture
  • Computers
  • Artwork

In general, restoring an item is more cost-effective than replacing it, but this is not a hard and fast rule. The cleaning process could be too labor-intensive to merit cleaning, and some items are just not salvageable.

Handling a Complicated Cleanup

Not all fire restoration jobs are the same. While the general process is similar, the details vary. Some jobs involve the removal of water damage from fire fighting equipment as well as the rebuilding of burned structures. Most cleanups are time-sensitive and work has a certain urgency. A fast response can reduce expenses and prevent additional damage such as mold growth and damage from weather.

A partial loss fire presents your company with many obstacles. Professionals can help you meet this challenge in the best manner possible.

5 Ways To Prepare Your Business for a Fire

5/17/2022 (Permalink)

5 Steps To Prepare Your Company For A Fire

No one ever wants to experience a business fire in Portland, ME. But the National Fire Protection Association reported 111,000 non-residential fires in 2020 alone. With those statistics, it's crucial to set up your business to prevent fires and respond to fires. Here are five ways to prepare.

1. Have Enough Fire Extinguishers

Depending on the size of your office or retail space, you need more than one fire extinguisher. There should be one per floor in a multi-level building at the absolute minimum. Fire extinguishers come in various sizes and should be placed in key areas of your business, such as the kitchen area, central office, and near tools or electrical panels.

2. Prevent Fire Damage Through Organization

One way to prevent fire damage is to stay organized. The more dust and clutter, the easier it is for a spark to become a major fire as flames spread over boxes, papers, and other office debris. After a fire, a commercial restoration team can assess the damage to recommend repairs and give prevention tips for the future.

3. Conduct Regular Fire Drills

To keep your staff safe, make fire preparation drills a regular event. Fire drills aren't just for students in school. It's important for everyone to confidently be able to exit the building from any and all exit points.

4. Maintain Exit Routes Regularly

All exit points must be maintained regularly. Ensure that any automatic fire doors work correctly. Keep exit doors unlocked. Check fire escapes or window ladders. A business fire can spread quickly, which won't leave time to address locked doors or broken ladders.

5. Inspect Wiring on a Schedule

Inspect wiring on a scheduled basis. Instead of waiting for a problem, such as an outlet that starts to spark or the discovery of a wire that has lost its covering, inspect all electrical sources every six months and correct any problems immediately.

A business fire can be prevented or mitigated by preparing your business in advance.

How To Stop a Continuously Flushing Toilet

5/1/2022 (Permalink)

How To Stop A Toilet From Flushing Constantly

If your toilets are continuously flushing, there may be a problem with the flushometer. The flushometer is the mechanism that flushes the toilet. If the flushing is not stopped, there may be toilet overflow that could result in damages. Here's how to stop a toilet from flushing continuously.

Take the First Steps

If your toilets won't stop flushing, there are a series of steps you can try:

  • Turn off the water
  • Remove the cover
  • Clean the gasket
  • Reinstall the gasket
  • Replace the gasket if flushing continues

Once the problem is fixed, you should call a water damage restoration service in Falmouth, ME, to clean up any toilet overflow and prevent mold growth.

Access the Gasket

To access the gasket, you should first turn off the water so that you do not have a toilet flood. You will then need to remove the cover on the flushometer. You will first need to unscrew the cover on the side of the flushometer and then use a wrench to remove the lid on top. This will expose the gasket, allowing you to remove and clean it.

Clean the Gasket

The gaskets in flushometers can become covered with sediment due to their constant exposure to water. You should wash the gasket, carefully removing as much sediment as possible. This includes using a small instrument, such as a needle, to clean out the weep hole. Doing this will improve the vacuum created by the gasket and hopefully stop the continuous flushing.

Reinstall and Test

After cleaning the gasket, you should put it back in its place and reattach the cover. You will then need to turn the water back on and flush the toilet. If the flushing still will not stop, you may have to replace the gasket or call a plumber.
You can stop a toilet that is continuously flushing by accessing the gasket, cleaning the gasket and then reinstalling and testing the gasket.

If cleaning or replacing the gasket does not work, you may need professional assistance to prevent toilet overflow.

How To Handle a House Fire

4/18/2022 (Permalink)

Trucks from a restoration company Our Disaster Recovery Team is available 24/7, 365 days a year to help with any size fire or water loss. Even if you just have a question, call us.

What To Do If Your House Is On Fire

House fires are common occurrences that affect and devastate many families every year. Residential blazes are scary, unpredictable, and alarming, so ensuring you and your family have a specific fire escape plan in place is crucial to your safety. Follow these simple steps, and be prepared during and after a potential emergency.

1. Be Alert and Take Action

If you experience a house fire in Casco Bay Islands, ME, promptly perform the following measures:

  • Enact your emergency escape plan
  • Dial 911 and alert emergency personnel to your situation
  • Secure medical care for any people or pets with severe burns or injuries
  • Call worried family and friends to let them know you are safe
  • Do not reenter your home until a proper fire damage assessment is complete

2. Put Safety First

Following a fire, confirm with firefighters that it is safe to reenter your home. Dress in boots, long pants, sleeves, helmets, protective eyewear, and masks as you inspect your damaged residence. Consider consulting a professional smoke and soot removal team to clean your house and restore it to a safe and livable status.

3. Check-In

It is crucial to remove any smoke-damaged paraphernalia from your home. Specifically, dispose of any food that might have soiled due to heat or smoke. Physical damage is only a portion of the devastation fires create. Despite devising even the most detailed fire escape plan, many survivors experience feelings of guilt and angst in the months following the disaster. Make it a point to check-in with your family members regularly. Ensure they appropriately deal with their stress and get professional help for anyone struggling mentally or financially. Further, watch your household pets, making sure they don't exhibit any long-term symptoms from the fire or smoke.

As ravaging as fires can be, remind yourself that your successful fire escape plan saved your family's lives. Remember that everything else is replaceable, and all that matters is the safety of your loved ones.

3 Essential Steps After a Basement Flood

4/11/2022 (Permalink)

Basement flooded Once any floodwater around your house has receded, getting the water out of your home as soon as possible is imperative.

Three Important Steps To Take After A Basement Flood

Watching your lower level in Windham, ME, fill with water is scary and can feel impossible to fix. Regardless if it is from a torrential downpour, a sewer backup or some other emergency issue, a basement flood can be very damaging to your home without proper aftercare. Once you have checked your insurance coverage, here are three more things you must do afterward.

1. Drain the Water

Once any floodwater around your house has receded, getting the water out of your home as soon as possible is imperative. You will need a few items to accomplish this:

  • Submersible pump
  • Long hose
  • Extension Cord
  • Generator

Pump as much water out as you can. Once you are down to smaller puddles you can work with a wet/dry vac as well to finish the job.

2. Dry and Clean Up

After the water has been removed, take out any damaged belongings. Use towels or blankets to soak up any further puddles and wipe everything down as much as you can. Set up some large fans to begin drying out the area. Depending on how long you were flooded and how deep the water was, you may need to replace any carpeting and drywall in the affected area. In order to prevent further damage from your basement flood, it is best to contact trained water restoration specialists to help complete the job thoroughly.

3. Prevent Future Floods

Determining the cause of the flood will help you to prevent future occurrences. Check your sump pump to ensure it is working properly and is appropriate for the amount of groundwater in your area. You should also check the drainage around your home and your gutter system to ensure each one is properly designed to funnel water away from your house.

It is important to remain calm and think ahead when you experience a home disaster. Although it can seem like an overwhelming experience, damage from a basement flood can be minimized if you take these steps.

4 Tips for Drying Out a Commercial Building

4/1/2022 (Permalink)

Commercial Drying Equipment If your building floods, it and its contents need to be thoroughly dried as soon as possible.

4 Recommendations For Drying Out A Commercial Building

When your Portland, ME, commercial building suffers water incursion, whether it's from a pipe burst or act of nature, the same basic steps will have to be taken. These steps will help protect any occupants in the affected area and the building and its contents. Professionals will probably have to be called in to remedy the situation thoroughly. Still, you can follow water damage tips to begin drying out the building before help arrives. After all, the quicker drying begins, the less damage will occur.

1. Turn Off Electricity

If you can safely make your way to the breaker box, the power to the area should be turned off immediately. Never walk through standing water in which electrical items are sitting. The electricity can travel throughout the water, electrocuting you. If you can't navigate to the breaker safely, or if you're unsure, you must wait for a professional to cut the power supply.

2. Extract Standing Water

Next, all the standing water will need to be extracted. A wet/dry vacuum is excellent for doing this safely and efficiently. It will also remove smaller debris.

3. Remove Soaked Materials

After you've extracted as much water as possible, one of the most critical damage tips to follow is to remove as many wet materials as possible. This can even include drywall and flooring. Soaked carpet and padding typically aren't salvageable; it can't be dried entirely before mold growth occurs (within 24 to 48 hours). Water damage remediation experts are highly recommended, as they can bring in industrial-grade equipment.

4. Dry Remaining Contents

You can try to dry the remaining contents by opening windows and doors if the outside is less humid than inside, using dehumidifiers, running fans and turning up the heat via the HVAC system or space heaters.

If your building floods, it and its contents need to be thoroughly dried as soon as possible. These are a few damage tips and cleaning tips you can begin before professionals arrive on the scene.

3 Reasons You Need a Flood Insurance Policy

3/14/2022 (Permalink)

Three Reasons You Need Flood Insurance

Your business in Falmouth, ME, isn't in a flood zone. In fact, you don't live in an area where flooding has historically been an issue. Although your commercial insurance agent is encouraging you to consider a policy, you're skeptical about the additional cost. Here are three reasons that you need a flood insurance policy even though you don't live in a flood zone.

1. Floods Aren't Always Natural

When you think of floods, you are probably thinking about naturally occurring ones that make news headlines. However, floods aren't always caused by nature. Your business could flood because of a burst water main line in the street or a leaking pipe in the basement.

2. Flood Damage Is Costly

Many commercial insurance policies have exclusions for floods, so you could find yourself on the financial hook for a lot of damage restoration without a separate policy for floods. A flood policy covers what your primary insurance does not in the event of an incident, including product that might be damaged or destroyed.

3. Flood Insurance Is Affordable

Don't let cost stand in the way of full coverage for your business. FEMA offers a National Flood Insurance Program that is affordable for business owners like you. Additionally, the NFIP supports communities as they plan flood mitigation efforts. Whether you experience flood damage from nature or from some other source, a flood insurance policy will help you to recover more quickly.

When you need restoration help after a flood, your commercial insurance provider will be able to suggest a water damage restoration team that will work with you from the initial damage assessment to the end of your project.

The way that this works best for you is if you have a flood policy that ensures there are no gaps in coverage with your general insurance plan.
Prevent financial strain on your bottom line by choosing a policy like NFIP from FEMA to keep your business safe.

3 Steps to Emergency Preparedness at Home

3/14/2022 (Permalink)

Three Steps to Home Emergency Preparedness

Keeping your family safe in your home in Westbrook, ME, is surely a priority. There are a lot of hazards that can affect your family and being prepared goes beyond just having a fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Here are three steps to getting your home prepared for an emergency.

1. Make a Plan

Think about the different emergencies that might arise and create a plan for each. In case of a home fire, you should have a plan for how to get out of the house and a meeting spot outside in case your family gets separated. Depending on where you live, consider other disasters that could affect you:

  • floods
  • tornadoes
  • earthquakes
  • public health emergencies

The more you think ahead about what you should do in these situations, the easier it will be to act under pressure if the need arises.

2. Build an Emergency Kit

Having basic safety equipment such as a fire extinguisher and first aid kit is great, but you should also put together a complete emergency kit for your family. You should include ready-to-eat food, water, phone chargers, an emergency radio, flashlights, batteries, essential medication, toiletry items, cash, extra clothing, a whistle, spare masks and extra clothing. Make sure that your kit has at least enough supplies to last three to four days.

3. Communicate With Your Family

Discuss all of your plans with your family so that every member knows what to do. Make sure to talk about basic fire preparedness and safety even with young children in case you are unable to reach them immediately. The knowledge that your spouse and children are informed will help keep you calm when disaster strikes.

Your whole family should be prepared when an emergency arises. Whether it's knowing the location of the fire extinguisher or where to meet up if you are separated in a disaster, following these steps will help you get the household ready. If your family remains safe in an emergency the worst work you'll have afterward is contacting emergency restoration specialists to get your home back in order.

How to Develop a Business Continuity Plan After a Storm

3/9/2022 (Permalink)

How To Create A Business Continuity Plan Following A Storm

Storms and flooding can strike very suddenly in Portland, ME. While some predictions can be made about widescale storms, others come without warning, and the results can be a disaster for a community – and spell bankruptcy for a business.

Fortunately, you can act proactively and prepare for problems. There are three critical steps to build resiliency in your business:

  • Get a commercial insurance policy.
  • Develop a continuity plan.
  • Keep key personnel informed.

Know Your Insurance Coverage – and Its Exemptions

Insurance policies can be confusing. Make sure you ask your agent about what is and isn’t covered. If you want flood coverage, you’ll need a separate flood policy.

Establish a Business Continuity Plan

The U.S. Government maintains a website to help citizens and businesses prepare for disasters. They have a detailed description of how to develop your plan, beginning with the business impact analysis. This starts with a risk assessment to determine what’s high risk for your location and type of business. Are you in a high-risk flood zone? Do you rely on digital information or is everything local? Which natural disasters are most likely?

Which Disaster Is Most Likely – or Most Harmful?

Aim for the most probable disasters based on your BIA. For disasters unlikely in Portland, ME, it may not be worth detailed planning, but general disaster planning can have wide-reaching benefits, even in unforeseen situations.

Key Personnel Should Be in the Loop

The key to resiliency after getting storm damage is to get reopened as soon as possible. Most small businesses will fail within two years if they’ve been closed for more than a couple of days after a disaster. Immediately after the storm, every essential person should be contacted and information shared.

You need to discuss what resources you need to reopen as fast as possible after the storm passes. Calling a commercial restoration specialist immediately after a storm can also be the difference between surviving the disaster and never reopening. Speed is essential, so your restoration company will work with you to get reopened as soon as possible.

With an established continuity plan and good insurance, you can survive the storm and get back to business quickly. Every day you’re closed increases your risk of staying that way.

SERVPRO Offers Expert Document Restoration Services

2/8/2022 (Permalink)

Truck from a restoration company SERVPRO is available 24/7, 365 days a year to help with any size fire or water loss. Even if you just have a question, call us and we will answer you!

SERVPRO's Document Restoration Services Are Second To None.

A significant water, sewer or flood event can damage all your essential documents and files. If recovery is going to happen, it needs to start right away. SERVPRO understands this and operates a secure document restoration facility. Professionals there control the process and give your documents the treatment they deserve.

Different Types of Documents Require Different Responses

Not all documents have the same level of importance. Not all records are paper. Not every document needs restoration. Each document gets an appropriate level of treatment. The specific treatment depends on the document’s type and importance. Here are some examples of the types and the treatments they might receive:

1. Important documents need restoration. An important document has an original signature, hand-written notes or an official mark. If a copy won’t do, it’s important. A special freeze-drying process performs document drying. Gamma irradiation sterilizes these documents when bacteria and other contaminants are a concern. Examples of important documents would be:

  • Mortgages
  • Wills
  • Stock, bond and other certificates
  • Blueprints
  • Maps
  • Books and manuscripts
  • Irreplaceable legal documents

2. You can digitize less critical documents. In most situation, it’s not the document that is important. It is the information on the document. In these cases, it is more cost-effective to digitize and reprint the document. An alternative is to digitize and reproduce it when needed.

3. Some documents are not paper-based. Developed films and x-rays may seem undamaged but still, require cleaning. The same applies to microfiche and microfilm. Photographic prints may pose a challenge to the document restoration specialists.

4. Medical records require special treatment. SERVPRO’s HIPAA Master-Certified technicians perform this cleaning. Round-the-clock surveillance of the restoration activity ensures confidentiality.
Perhaps a flooded basement destroyed your home office in the Windham, ME, area. Maybe a roof failure at work soaked the company accounting records. The amount of damage doesn’t matter. The document restoration experts at SERVPRO tackle projects of any size.

3 Strategies for Preventing Water Damage in Your Home

2/7/2022 (Permalink)

Restoration machines are cleaning water damage in a home. Our team quickly responded to this water loss to cleanup and get the drying process in place quickly. Call SERVPRO when you need it!

Three Ways to Prevent Water Damage in Your House

Your Portland, ME, home is probably one of your greatest investments. Beautifying, decorating and improving your property takes hard work, so guarding it against damage can be as important as repairing existing issues. Preventing water in your home can help you avoid a variety of troubling issues, from structural problems to mold growth and more.

1. Insulate Your Water Pipes

Wrapping your home’s water pipes can protect your property from water damage in a few ways. First, it keeps the pipes warm when the temperature drops below freezing and prevents water from freezing inside them. Frozen water tends to expand and may cause the pipe to burst, resulting in a messy pipe cleanup job. Insulating your pipes can also keep your home’s water supply flowing normally, even during a cold snap when the risk of a broken pipe is higher than usual.

2. Upgrade Your Drainage System

When it comes to finding unexpected water in the home, one of the most common trouble spots is likely to be the basement. Basement floods can be common in early spring when runoff and heavy rains cause your yard to overflow. You can prevent this issue by upgrading your drainage system. Replace old gutters and downspouts and have your roof checked to ensure it is draining properly.

3. Have Your Home Inspected by a Water Remediation Company

Contacting a flood cleanup and water remediation company to inspect your home for possible flooding risks can help keep it safe. Knowledgeable flood technicians can identify and resolve issues that may increase the risks, whether you live in an area that floods often or your home’s basement is prone to taking on water. Working with a company like this can help you defend your home against water damage all year round.

Preventing water in the home probably a high priority for you as a Portland, ME, homeowner. Taking the proper steps to reduce this risk can give you peace of mind and allow you to enjoy your happy home.

Can You Deduct Storm Damage From Your Business Taxes? 3 Factors To Consider

1/31/2022 (Permalink)

Is It Possible To Deduct Storm Damage From Business Taxes? 3 Things To Think About

Flooding, hurricanes and other types of violent weather events can cause severe storm damage to your Portland, ME, business. The removal of flood water and the repair and restoration of one or more areas of your building may force you to close your business until the damage is fixed. You may be able to recover some of this loss when you file your taxes; however, there are a few questions you might want to ask yourself before you try to claim these damages.

1. Did I File an Insurance Claim?

Before you try to claim damage that occurred from flooding or other types of weather-related events, it is important to ask yourself if you filed an insurance claim and whether you received any compensation. If so, you cannot deduct such losses from your taxes. While it is permissible to receive recompence, you cannot file a claim and then receive a tax discount as well. If you have business insurance, check with your agent concerning your options before you file.

2. How Much Can I Claim?

Not all storm damage to your businesses is tax deductible, and the rules are typically different for commercial properties. For example, homeowners are bound by certain restrictions that involve the total amount of their gross income. As a business owner affected by a weather event, you could be exempt from these caveats. The total amount you can claim will likely depend on past insurance claims and the type of damage your property endured.

3. How Long Do I Have To File?

You may have delayed in your filing as you wait for your flood damage and restoration service to finish repairs to your business in order to have specific cost amounts instead of estimations. While this may help you claim a larger refund, it is a good idea to contact your accountant or local tax office to ask about filing deadlines.

When storm damage impacts your Portland, ME, business, the monetary loss can be considerable. Understanding how to claim it on your taxes before you file may result in faster compensation and avoid delays that could harm your business in the long run.

Supporting Local Disaster Relief Efforts

1/19/2022 (Permalink)

2 men and 4 women holding large check donation Pictured in check presentation: Jared Lamey, Holly Merrill, Barbara Rapoza, Scott Carter, Nicole Evans & Liz Thompson

Through the efforts of the Maine SERVPRO franchises, sponsorships and clients from our annual golf event in September 2021 we were able to raise and present a check for $15,000 to the American Red Cross of Maine’s Disaster Relief Fund. Thank you to everyone who participated in making our 2021 event a success.

Over the past 14 years we have raised over $155,000. With the help and generosity of our community, we hope that we can continue to increase that number to help the American Red Cross in Maine supporting their local disaster relief efforts and assist those who have suffered the effects of a disaster. 

How To Choose an Air Purifier

1/10/2022 (Permalink)

What To Look For When Buying An Air Purifier

Of all the places you spend your time, your home in West Falmouth, ME, should be the place you can breathe the easiest. An effective air filtration system can help. The market is so saturated with purifiers that look promising, however, that it can be overwhelming to try to choose the one that’s best for you and your family. The following suggestions may be able to help you narrow down the options.

Qualities To Seek

The first thing you must decide is what you need. When experts test to see if an air purifier works well, they often look at four criteria:

  • Percentage of particles removed from air
  • Amount of air flow
  • Simplicity of use
  • Level of customer satisfaction

You may choose your air filtration device based on one or all of these standards. If you want a purifier that reduces the amount of potentially irritating particles in the air, for example, filter efficiency is probably going to be your most important requirement.

Reasons To Buy

If you want to reduce the number of airborne particles, such as mold spores or dust, in your home, mold remediation experts recommend a purifier with a HEPA filter. HEPA filters not only remove over 99% of particles from the air, they actually improve in performance over time. If your machine also has a carbon pre-filter, you can increase the life of your filter and improve your air quality even further. The most effective air purifiers on the market include the Oransi Max, the BlueAir 450E and the OV200 Air Purifier. While costs for these machines can range from a few hundred dollars to over $1000, it may be worth the price to know that your family is breathing cleaner air.

The best air filtration system is one that has an efficient filter, good air flow, ease of use and good customer reviews. Look for the purifier that improves the air quality of your home the best.

Is Smoke Damage Covered By Insurance?

1/6/2022 (Permalink)

Is Insurance Coverage For Smoke Damage?

If your commercial building or one adjacent to yours recently sustained a fire, and you are left dealing with smoke-related damage, you may be worried about making a claim with your insurance company. Is smoke damage a covered loss? Read on to learn everything you need to know about smoke claims to put your mind at ease.

Soot Damage and Insurance

In most cases, damage from smoke will be covered by your commercial insurance policy. This is even the case if the fire occurred at a company right next to yours. However, there are some steps you need to take to properly file your claim and increase the chances of it being accepted. They are as follows:

  1. Contact your insurance company to report the smoke damage and file a claim.
  2. Assess your loss and prepare a smoke cleanup plan with the help of professionals.
  3. Record proof of any damage and repairs through photographs, receipts and other documents.
  4. Prepare for the insurance adjuster to arrive for surveying purposes.

Following the steps above will increase the chances of restoring your property as best as you can. Having a solid plan in place will also make it more likely that your insurance company will approve your claim.

Smoke Cleaning Assistance

As you can see above, creating an action plan for cleanup is one of the most important parts of this entire claims and restoration process. A reliable Westbrook, ME, fire damage restoration company should be able to arrive on an emergency basis, assess the situation and help you build a cleanup plan that will likely include reducing odors and eliminating smoke from your building.

Smoke damage isn’t always easy to deal with, and communication with your insurance provider can be even more frustrating. Following the steps above and knowing where to turn for cleanup help can make your business’s post-fire future more positive.

Water in the Basement

1/4/2022 (Permalink)

the old dirty cellar flooded from a pipe break Be aware that any drywall or flooring components that have absorbed too much water may need to be replaced as they can harbor bacteria and mold.

The Basement Is Wet.

A residential basement flood situation in Portland, ME, can cause serious problems for those involved if not addressed in a timely manner. Check out the following resources to better understand what to do if standing water occupies your lower floors.

1. Precautions

The most important consideration for any prudent homeowner is the safety of the occupants. Never enter a completely flooded basement area until you have disconnected the home from the power grid, especially if the electrical outlets or other appliances are still in standing water. You might also consider some form of contact protection, such as a pair of boots or waders, to prevent unnecessary exposure to contaminants from gray water.

2. Assessment

Trudging through the water will do you little good without a solid plan. Depending on the form your insurance coverage takes, you may need to make an inventory of the items affected by your basement flood. Your insurer may also require that you take active steps to prevent any ongoing damage, such as routing new sources of rainwater away from the home. The drying process for affected items should begin at this point. Your insurer may insist that certain sensitive items and procedures are handled by a qualified flood damage restoration service.

3. Prevention and Maintenance

Once you have cleared all standing water from the property and moved any water-susceptible belongings, inspect the basement area to determine why water accumulated. Is the sump pump in working order? Are there any clogged or broken pipes or drains between your basement and the sewer? Take steps to inspect and repair these items. Also, note that any drywall or flooring components that have absorbed too much water may need replacement, as these can harbor bacteria and mold.

Though a wide range of natural disasters or plumbing problems can affect any homeowner, a few preventative steps can reduce the risk of a basement flood and help to mitigate the amount of property damage you incur.


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