What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

Very quick response. Superb quality of work. Customer service is above and beyond to accommodate the needs of the client and job.

Holly, Katrina, Chris, Heather, Bridget and the rest of the crew are the absolute best.

I've used SERVPRO twice. Each time they were professional, on time and very friendly. They answered all my questions
I will definitely use them again!

During an incredibly difficult time for our family, SERVPRO of Portland was prompt, discreet, and very professional.
I cannot recommend their services highly enough.
Thank you.

I am totally pleased with everything from Dustin who made the initial visit to Heather and all her colleagues, and Bryon who did an amazing carpet job. All very efficient and friendly. 

Team was great- professional, kept me informed. Would definitely call again. Nice Job!!

Just wanted to let you know about the exceptional service we received from Jim and Ryan!  They kept us informed with what they were going to do and showed up when they said they would.  Ryan was extremely helpful and always showed up in a great mood. 

"They were great, very helpful and courteous of what was going on in our office. Thanks for the hard work!"

"The guys were courteous, knowledgeable. Very well done."

"Amazing service!!! Kyle and Kenny were professional and worked quickly! I was amazed at how quickly SERVPRO was at my establishment - with extremely knowledgeable personnel!"